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Interment Information

Due to the spread of Coronavirus in USA. We are receiving calls from concerned Muslim community members regarding the interment processes for Muslim in case the demise is due to Coronavirus.
As of now, the interment processes stay the same. Volunteers, who take part in Ghusal and shrouding must follow universal precautions, which fortunately has always been our practice. The only thing effected is the number of attendees at the funeral, limited to no more then 50. We would prefer less. However, in situations like this community members have always been very cooperative. This is fluid situation and things may change. The biggest concern is cremation news coming out from different countries. Most of it is not accurate. We would like to assure the community. That within the confine of the law, we will do the best we can for our families. In Sha Allah. May Allah protect us and our citizens from this calamity.
Muslim cemetery of south Florida
17551 NW 137th Ave
Hialeah, FL 33018
(305) 798 3312