At Taubah
1. Freedom from (all) obligations (is declared) from Allah and His Messenger () to those of the Mushrikun (polytheists, pagans, idolaters, disbelievers in the Oneness of Allah), with whom yo

1. Alif-Lam-Ra. [These letters are one of the miracles of the Qur'an, and none but Allah (Alone) knows their meanings]. These are the Verses of the Book (the Qur'an) Al-Hakim [showing lawful

An Nisa
1. O mankind! Be dutiful to your Lord, Who created you from a single person (Adam), and from him (Adam) He created his wife [Hawwa (Eve)], and from them both He created many men and women an

Al Maidah
1. O you who believe! Fulfill (your) obligations. Lawful to you (for food) are all the beasts of cattle except that which will be announced to you (herein), game (also) being unlawful when y

Al Anam
1. All praises and thanks be to Allah, Who (Alone) created the heavens and the earth, and originated the darkness and the light, yet those who disbelieve hold others as equal with their Lord

Al Araf
1. Alif-Lam-Mim-Sad. [These letters are one of the miracles of the Qur'an and none but Allah (Alone) knows their meanings]. 2. (This is the) Book (the Qur'an) sent down unto you (O Muhammad